Become a Partner
FundEd Chicago works with the top pediatric specialists in the city. We vet each applicant to ensure that our students have access to the best professionals in Chicago.
We are looking for the following specialists:
Speech-Language Pathologists
Occupational Therapists
Learning Specialists
Social Workers
Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Other Experts

Why become a partner​
Clinicians and Professionals: We’re not asking you to volunteer your time. Your time and expertise are valuable, which is why we want to partner with you! What we are asking is that you provide much needed services at a reduced rate. This is a great opportunity for you to use your passion and experience to give back to your community.
Chicago Schools: If you have students in need of our services, reach out to us. We want to build long-term relationships with local schools to ensure that their students are getting the continued support they need to succeed.