Your donations matter. Take a look at how FundEd Chicago used your donations to help kids who would otherwise not have received the therapy they needed.
27 Kids

FundEd Chicago provided 27 students with specialized support since launching in 2019.

FundEd Chicago is around to continue partner with local specialists as well as our new community partners including Refugee One, Hyde Park Day School, Union League Boys and Girls Club, The Family Institute, and DePaul Univeristy Speech and Language Clinic.
6 Schools & Specialists

30 Scholarships
FundEd Chicago granted 30 scholarships for students to receive learning remediation, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, hearing and listening acquistion skills thera, and mental health support this year from our network of professionals. Some students received scholarships in multiple educational areas (i.e., learning remediation and speech therapy). FundEd Chicago provides more than just financial aid. We forge positive partnerships with families, both those whose children’s supports are fully funded and others who are able to share some of the cost with FundEd Chicago.

635 hours
FundEd Chicago provided 635 hours of services since launching in 2019. All hours went directly to student support.